Kraido is excited to be a part of the new Texaco brand image

Texaco is an iconic brand that has been around since 1902. Chevron, who owns Texaco, engaged Kraido to design and develop a new retail forecourt experience to help modernize and revitalize the Texaco brand. The first prototype was unveiled in Austin, TX at the Chevron Retail Marketer’s Convention. The new design features the Foldover - a bold new image element that provides street awareness and distinction.

Read more here.

Wisdom from 1918

Tom McCune, CFO of Kraido, shares his family’s story of surviving the Spanish Flu at the American epicenter in 1918. McCune’s story reminds us to appreciate our modern luxuries and technology as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read Tom’s full story here

Why the Retail Store Is Evolving, Not Disappearing


Retail is not dead, despite what you might read in all the headlines, especially with retailers going out of business and shopping malls closing. Retail is evolving rapidly. Kraig Kessel presented examples of how retail is evolving at the WFX Conference in Minneapolis, along with the implications for large format printers and vendor suppliers.

Read more here!

Battle of the Behemoths

"One thing brick-and-mortar retailers know is that they can’t rely on ‘build it, stock it, and they will come’ anymore. Consumers expect an experience now.”

Kraig talks to VMSD about the importance of strong customer service within retail environments. Read more at VMSD here.

Store Design for the Retail Environment

Kraig Kessel of Kraido and John Matthews of Gray Cat Enterprises co-wrote the cover article, “Store Design for the Retail Environment,” that was recently published in the Ohio Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association magazine.  Cover page of the magazine is an interior shot of the store design and the article is located on pages 10-15 in the link below. How do you create a new store vision for your chain while simultaneously running your day-to-day business? Kraig Kessel and John Matthews discuss 7 key items to consider when making your store vision a reality.

Read the article here!

Kraido develops a new forecourt experience and design for the HELE brand

HELE is a new petroleum retail brand in the Hawaiian islands, which was born out of the acquisition of the Tesoro brand by PAR Hawaii back in 2015. HELE, which means “to go” in Hawaiian, is a local brand with tremendous appeal. Kraido developed a new petroleum forecourt experience and design for the HELE brand, including nighttime accent lighting and proprietary dispenser valances, all of which communicate speed and convenience, with a contemporary look and feel. Read more here!

Kraido ranked among top retail design firms

Twenty-two years and still going strong, VMSD’s annual Retail Design Firm Resource Guidefeatures a comprehensive listing of contract design firms, design consultancies, independent designers, and architecture and construction firms from around the world – from the U.K. to India to Argentina and beyond. Read more here!

Strike it Rich

Photography: Nika Phaniashvili, Tbilisi, Georgia

Photography: Nika Phaniashvili, Tbilisi, Georgia

"Eastern Europe’s Solo, couples banking and concierge services to create a luxury lifestyle experience in Tbilisi, Georgia."

Kraig talks to VMSD about the importance of strong customer service within retail environments. Read more at VMSD here.

A Lighter Shade of Green

"Most retailers still want to build responsibly, but LEED may no longer be the standard"

Kraig Kessel talks with VMSD on what the new benchmarks may be on reducing energy usage within stores and how customers respond. Read more at VMSD here.

Kraido recognized for best original design runner up!

Alltown Market is a new concept and new-to-industry store for parent company Global Partners LP. The goal of the design, which debuted in Orono, Maine, was to break the mold of the traditional convenience store by featuring products that appeal to busy moms and millennials. Read story here!